Sunday, September 28, 2014

Auburn University

Today I traveled to Auburn to see my older brother. He loves it there and it's his second home! His frat house is so huge and there are so many different types of fraternities. We went to Steak n Shake for a milkshake then we shopped for groceries and did laundry for him. He is coming back home in 2 weeks and is bringing some frat brothers to stay at our house haha. I BOUGHT HIGH TOP CONVERSE I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR MY SIZE EVERYWHERE. At a mall in Auburn they had my size and I bought them for 55 dollars! I can finally stop the hunt for them lol. 
Some pics from today:

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Cozy Saturday Night

Today I went to the mall and bought shoes for homecoming and some fall clothes. After, I went to the grocery store and picked up a bunch of fruits and veggies. I have been eating terribly this week and I need to get back on track haha. Tonight I am having a badly needed night in and tomorrow I am going to Auburn to see my brother--I haven't seen him in 2 months :(  Ice cream, nail polish, and netflix sums up my night. Maybe I'll get some homework or reading done. I haven't relaxed like this in what seems forever! Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday Night Lights- Black Out

Friday night lights once again this week. The game was a black out for the student section and it is feeling like fall in Georgia! Fall is my favorite season ever and it is getting a little cold. Homecoming week starts on Monday so be prepared for tons of pictures! I am so excited for HC with my bffs and this year has been a blast so far. NEWS- I am going to NYC in 2 months and to Maryland! I am missing NY so much and I cannot wait to be staying in Times Square. More details about my trip will come as it gets closer to the trip date!
Here are some pictures from last night:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday Night Lights- Gold Out

Heys guys! It's been a while since I've blogged due to INSANE SCHOOL WORK AND ACTIVITIES. Adding to that, junior year has been challenging and amazing. I've met a lot of new people and the semester is going great socially and academically. Any way, the first home game for my school was last night and it was a gold out! The team ran up the score and won 35-7 and we the student section ran on the field. Here are some pics from last night--when I say some I mean SOME ( I took sooo many) haha.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

American Out- Friday Night Lights

Friday night lights once again and in honor of 9/11 the theme of the student section was American --red, white, and blue of course! The game was delayed an hour because of lightening and it took a really long time to get the players on the field. It gave the student section some bonding time though haha, I met a lot of new people and took plenty of pictures. Even though we lost, my school still has the most supportive student section that shows up at away games in the rain, lightening, and thunder. GO BRONCOS!!
Some pictures from last night: